Saturday, April 4, 2009

Paris... Part 1

I made the executive decision to blog about Paris in parts because it would just be too much if I tried to tackle it all at once and since I am the executive of this blog I feel entitled to that decision :) I have to start off by saying that Paris was a blast! I do not think I could call it my favorite city but... It is Paris and that is reason enough to have a good time there.

We left super early Wednesday morning and took the Eurostar under the Channel and in a couple of hours we were in Paris. We took a little bit of time to get to our hotel and get settled in but after that it was into the city for the girls of the London Centre and we took Paris by storm.

Wednesday was jam packed for me and the group that I was with. Our first stop was the Musee d' Orsay. This museum was converted from a train station into a museum so the building was really cool. The art in the building was pretty cool too. I discovered in Paris that I love impressionism. There was a whole room in this museum was nothing but van Gogh in it and I love van Gogh. I also really enjoy Monet and there was an entire room dedicated to him as well so I was as happy as a kid in a candy shop, before coming to London and Paris I was not aware that art could make me that happy- thanks Europe for teaching me that important fact about myself!This is what a museum in a train station looks like, it was pretty cool.This was my favorite Monet painting.This was my favorite van Gogh painting... I love van Gogh!

Ok! After the museum we decided to walk in the general direction of the Eiffel Tower. It was a good walk, we saw some of Paris and eventually made it to the tower. We took some pictures there and then headed of to Saint Chappele. Here are a couple Eiffel Tower pictures. What did you expect, we were American tourists in Paris, of course we needed pictures with the Eiffel Tower!Capturing one of the earliest sightings.Me and the Eiffel Tower!

From the Eiffel Tower we headed to the Saint Chappele. This is hands down, the most beautiful church I have ever seen. The windows were stained glass from bottom to top and I gave an audible gasp upon entering the room where the windows were- I could hardly comprehend what was in front of my eyes. Me talking about it does it know justice so I will put of the pictures and you can look for yourselves. Keep in mind though that pictures that I take, don't do things the justice that they deserve.I let out an audible "wow" when I saw this at the top of the stairs...Me and Melissa in one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.

After having my breathe taken away by Saint Chappelle we headed across the street to Notre Dame. Notre Dame was pretty amazing to see. I mean, it's not like I haven't seen it before in the Hunchback movie but it was even better in person :) I didn't get to see Quasimodo though unfortunately...It was pretty amazing to see this live and in the fleshI thought this kind of looked like a post card picture minus the lady in it...

Yea we just kept going after this stop. The next thing we did was hike up the hill to the Socre Cruer which is a big church on top of a big hill. The church was cool but the view from the top was cooler, here it is!

After the Socre Cruer someone in our group decided that it would be fun to go and see the Moulin Rouge... this was not the best decision because it was pretty sketchy but we got our pictures and got out of though so it all worked out.Hiliary and I are trying to show our disapproval...

So after walking down Sketch Street we decided it would be a good idea to watch the sun set from the top of the Arch de Triumph. This idea proved to be much better than the last one- it was beautiful. The sprint up the stairs to make sure we didn't miss the sun set was a bit of a challenge but nothing we couldn't handle! I loved the views and the sunset and the fact that I was in Paris!!!A Parisian Sunset!This is me and the Eiffel Tower... no big deal :)

We ended this day the best way we knew how. Crepes and the Eiffel Tower light show. There is a light show at the Eiffel Tower ever night on the hour every hour until 1 am- it is the most beautiful and captivating thing I have ever seen. I could watch this show every night for the rest of my life and not get sick of it, I loved it!!!!Not quite as good in the pictures but... it is BEAUTIFUL in real life, I promise!


  1. Mary, What a fantastic experience! I have to go on record as saying that the Musee D'orsay is my favorite museum of all time. I loved seeing all those paintings in real life that I have only seen in books and print shops. It is fun to walk in places that those artists walked and try and imagine life for them. We visited all the same places in fact we had a funny experience at san chapelle because Jon was telling us how great it was and on the first floor we didn't think it was so great and then we went up the little stair case and walked into the main part of the church and wow, just like you said. It was the most breathtaking experience of my visit to Paris. I am glad you had that opportunity. What an amazing world we live in. Love mom. See you in two days.

  2. MARY!!
    That's just so much stained glass! Ha. You're pictures are truly amazing! Glad to hear that everything is going well. Love you Mar!
