Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekend Wonderland

The opportunity presented itself to me to get away to Washington for the between semester break and, even though it involved fourteen hours in the car, I took it- happily! Sometimes, it is necessary to get away from the places that you associate with stress. Provo, from the beginning of my days at BYU has always been associated with some degree of stress. Washington, on the other hand, I don't think I have ever felt stressed here. This weekend was no exception. Lounging around, walks on the beach, running trails, hanging with the fam- stress free weekend. I loved every minute of it and my only regret leaving is that I am not spending more time here.

As you can see, beautiful weather, beautiful family faces and a pretty talented photographer make for some pretty awesome pictures (Dad, those are in no particular order, I just want you to know). I will definitely be missing playing on the beach with some of my favorite kids next week when I am back in class.... Actually, tomorrow, my first spring class is tomorrow. Oh school, you did not give me quite enough time to miss you.

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