Sunday, February 6, 2011

From Break-Ups to Babies

It being Sunday and all I feel totally justified in talking about a major blessing in my life! In the fall of 2007 I was randomly paired with five INCREDIBLE girls who wound up being my roommates for the next three(ish) years. There is Jill, Katelin, Sarah, Katie and Christina. We are no longer all roommates and at very different places in our lives. Katie is married. Christina is working a grown up job in Texas (way too far away if you ask me). Sarah is on a mission in Denver, Colorado. Jill and Katelin are both about to graduate and move to who knows where to do who knows what. Then there is me, on board with school until December of 2011 and then out to do... well I don't know what but, it is going to be good! The title of this post in the motto of our friendship. From break-ups to babies, that is how long we all plan on being friends. So, pretty much forever! Last year, in March, we all went out to dinner at this place called Wallaby's and we got to put our hand prints on their wall and sign our names. Yesterday, Jill and Katelin and I went back to Wallaby's and reminisced about being there just a year ago and all the things that have changed between then and now. It has been a ride, that is for sure. It is far from over, that is also for sure. I am so thankful for the five best friends a girl could ever ask for, that is definitely for sure!


  1. I love you!!! Wish I could've been there!

  2. Wait a minute Katie - that's my comment! Mary, you're great. Love, Dad

  3. I love you Mary!! I'm so glad we were all brought together! :) It has been a wonderful journey!
