Monday, June 27, 2011

My Spokane Family

I have been a pro vacationer lately. St. George last weekend and this weekend was spend in Spokane with the Dittos! I am so glad to have such wonderful family members and friends who fill my life with happiness and love and make it all worth while! To hit some highlights of this weekend- we made sweet tye-dye shirts, now that I am a pro from my St. George trip, I shared my knowledge and skills and every one's shirts turned out pretty awesome! On Saturday, I got to go out to lunch with a good friend from PA and her husband. Brandi and Ashley were out here because Ashley did the Couer De'Alene Ironman- he was pretty awesome, I know, I went and saw him race (well about 30 seconds of his race) on Sunday morning, before church. To top it all off, my dad and little sister came over on Saturday night so I got to spend some time with them which is great because Emily is running away to Ecuador to change the lives of all kinds of Ecuadorian orphans and my parents are so busy with their remodeling that I won't see them again until August when I walk at graduation. This was another great weekend, filled with family and friends and some pretty sweet memories! Thanks Dittos!! I am so glad I was able to come stay and especially glad I was able to meet new baby Maren!!

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